Copyright Policy
Do not transcribe any of our matieral for use outside of your home. You are welcome to transcribe our material for private use within your home.
Do not copy or otherwise reproduce (in whole or in part) our material (written, artwork, audio or video media) for use outside of your home. We do encourage you to freely share our matieral with family members inside your home.
Do not share purchased material on any public platform.
Digital material that we provide to the public for free may be downloaded for personal/private use, but do not upoload or redistribute that material to other public media platforms.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or seek exception to these rules.
So, are you allowed to teach our material?
Yes, please do! Wrestle with it, meditate on it before God, absorb it, filter it through your own special blend of talents and experiences, and then teach what resonates with you to others. Just use your own words. As long as no more than 5% of your presentation is copied word-for-word from our material, you are good.