Woman in a meadow, reading the first book of The Unveiling initiative series.

The Unveiling Initiative?

We are a small, family-run company dedicated to unpacking the nature of Jesus Christ in Scripture, creation, and each other. We create authentic content intended to inspire your spirit, expand your perspective of God, and deepen your faith in Christ … all outside the traditional religious structures of the Church.

Our mission is to help prepare the people of God to experience and participate in Christ’s Unveiling. Like a Bride adorning herself for her Husband, there is an organic, unstructured movement of Christians hearing the call to leave behind compromised systems of control and return to the simplicity of devotion to Christ. This happened on many levels during Christ’s first coming, and it must happen again before His second coming. We seek to do our small part to support and particpate in that movement by pointing people to the manifold majesty and mystery of God’s eternal plan for creation as revealed in Jesus Christ.

Today, we write books, post blogs, and create original artwork. Soon, we’ll add other products and services, including Bible studies, devotionals, video and audio teaching sets, youth art camps, merch, and more.

> Learn more about the author, Micah Paul Gaylor
> Learn more about the artist, Jamie Gaylor

Are We a Ministry?

Some would consider us a ministry, though in the eyes of the state and federal governments of the United States, we are a for-profit company. However, neither label is entirely accurate. We consider ourselves a hybrid company. Our primary goal is not reaping profits but being good stewards of God’s resources. That includes our time, energy, money, knowledge, talents, and every other spiritual, emotional, and physical asset we have. Our secondary goal is to inspire others to do the same.

Yes, we have operating costs and monthly living expenses. Yes, we sell products to help cover those expenses. Yes, the more we sell, the more time we can dedicate to creating content that aligns with our mission rather than working other jobs to pay the bills. But we won’t take shortcuts to achieve that goal. We are dedicated to finding win-win solutions that don’t manipulate our customers or sensationalize our products at the expense of integrity, truth, and authenticity.

To that end, we have intentionally foregone the tax-exemption benefits of a 501c3 for two reasons:

  • We believe Godly character includes being good neighbors and responsible citizens. If your income is taxed for the common welfare, ours should be too. Otherwise, we are essentially forcing every other taxpayer to subsidize a percentage of our business. If you choose to support us by buying our products or donating to our company, that’s a wonderful thing! But it should be a choice.

  • We believe a business that relies on tax-free income is legally, morally, and spiritually tied to the government’s good graces. And those can change with the political winds. What the government gives, it can take away. Or manipulate with rules and regulations. Many great non-profit organizations have navigated those dangerous waters admirably, but we prefer to avoid the need.

How Can You Partner with Us?

If you like what we are doing and want to support our work, here are some options (in no particular order):

  • Tell others about us. A good word from a trusted friend is the most wholesome and organic kind of marketing.

  • Review our books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, this website, or wherever you bought them.

  • Email us or use our Contact Us form to introduce yourself. We love to make new connections. We are a small shop, but we’ll answer all emails as soon as humanly possible.

  • Follow and interact with us on social media using the links at the bottom of the page.

  • Buy products from our online store.

  • Financial donations are welcome and greatly appreciated.